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Captain's Table


The Captain’s Table is reputed to be one of the finest of its kind in all Greece - don’t just take our word for it - see what ‘The Lonely Planet’, ‘The Rough Guide’, and the famous American ‘Frommers’ and numerous other international guide books have to say. See too, the official website for Lesvos (search on ‘The Captain's Table’). The restaurant is owned and run by Melinda and her husband Theo. Melinda, Australian by birth but raised in Greece, prepares food with her husband in the morning, and then along with a great team of charming helpers, looks after the clientele in the evening, while Theo heads up the competent kitchen crew. Located in the picturesque harbour of Molyvos (see map), this restaurant offers a wide range of excellent fresh fish dishes; we emphasize FRESH fish dishes as Melinda’s father (The Captain) is a fisherman and runs a 25 metre trawler and a caique. Other local fishermen (best mates of the Captain) bring their daily catches to Theo who is always on hand to choose the finest fish available. For the specialist, who likes to sample a little of everything try the Captain’s Platter (for one or two persons). Melinda and Theo also offer other fare. Greek and international dishes for those with varied taste and their evening ‘specials’ could feature Thai cuisine, satays, curries, Italian gnocchi etc. Favourite main meals are Theo’s roast lamb with oregano, garlic and lemon, special marinated grilled chicken or pork fillets wrapped in bacon. The restaurant tables are al fresco and the diners can enjoy being close to ‘where it all happens’ or sit right on the quayside, a metre from many small colourful fishing boats bobbing up and down in the water. And, no matter how hot the day, in the evening we always enjoy a cool sea breeze.

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Call or e-mail us for more information
+30 2253 071005

Captain's Table, Molivos, Lesvos Island, Greece | Developed by EURObit | Powered by Websites4u